
Thursday, June 29, 2006

Mr. Colombina Writes His Own Blog

Mr. Colombina made another entry in his blog, Deliver Rants. It is as funny as his musings on perfume, if not funnier. He will be happy to hear from you. Oh, and he promises that he will keep writing for Perfume-Smellin' Things. Look for a new post by Mr. Colombina in the next couple of weeks.


  1. Christina,
    Thank you! He used to be a standup comedian I don't know exactly how many years ago...many years ago!

  2. Anonymous7:59 AM EDT

    A stand up comedian? How cool! I've always said one of the most important things in a man is a great sense of humor. His airline post was hilarious!

  3. To be exact, I did it for four years - mostly as a lark - whilst in college (1982-1985).

    As a Uni student I was always broke so it was a good way to hang out and get free drinks. It wasn't the great way to meet girls that I thought it would be.

    I worked with a number of (unknown at the time) comedians in small clubs... people like Chris Rock and Bob Saget.

    I wasn't seriously pursuing it as a career which allowed me to have more fun with it.

  4. Oh, and I promise to have my next perfume-related post ready for THIS blog, some time over the weekend.

    I have the fragrance (not telling which one - just yet anyway) in front of me as I write this and yes ... quelle surprise .. it smells medicinal to me.
