
Monday, July 03, 2006

Lazy, moi? Two days off and An Idea For Your Consideration

I am taking Monday and the Independence Tuesday off. On Wednesday, Mr. Colombina will review Cumming The Fragrance ... I have a feeling the post may be Rated 18.

Also, yesterday a fabulous reader had a great idea for a post and very graciously agreed to write about it on Perfume-Smellin’ Things (I’m not saying more, wait and see). And that gave me an idea…Let’s say you do not have a blog, because you don’t have time and/or interest for regular posting, or you have a blog that has nothing to do with perfume….And let’s say you have something perfume-related you wanted to talk about (a review of a scent, a tribute to a favorite note or a favorite perfume house or a favorite perfumer, a fragrant memory, a scent-related rant, pet peeve, a story or an observation of any sort, just to name a few)…Here is my idea. You write about it and I will publish your post on Perfume-Smellin’ Things. The fact that you wrote one article wouldn’t mean that you are expected to write more (unless you want to). The only requirements are that the posts are in some way perfume-related and fairly well-mannered. I also want to add that I don’t have a set number of such posts in mind and would post as many articles as there are written, the more the merrier. And if you reside in other country (other than the US, I mean), that's great too! For an example of such an arrangement, please look at one of my favorite blogs, Slap of the Day, which regularly features posts written by Guest Slappers. The wonderful Now Smell This is another blog that publishes articles written by authors other than Robin, although in that case the contrubutions are made on a regular basis. As I noted above, I do not expect continuing contributions, unless it is something you are really interested in doing.

If being a guest poster on Perfume-Smellin' Things sounds like something you want to do, contact me using the link on the right. I am looking forward to hearing your ideas!
The image is by Anne Taintor from


  1. Marina, what a great idea!
    I can't maintain a blog
    (I write/translate/teach for a living and can't manage the input), but I'd certainly love to contribute from Paris. I'll be thinking along those lines and submit a contribution shortly -- could be about vintage scents, my collection is truly growing.
    Best, and enjoy your break!

  2. Great idea, Marina! maybe you will see me as "guest" one day...

  3. Denyse,
    How wonderful! I will be looking forward to it!

  4. Andy,
    I really hope I will see you as a guest poster here! I would absolutely love that!

  5. Sounds wonderful! I won't promise to contribute--it's a bit too close to my "regular" work, and anyway I'm not very good at picking out notes--but you never know:)! In any case, I will look forward to reading the other contributions.

  6. Judith,
    Well, I won't expect anything, but if ever you decide you do want to do it...I will be very happy to read and post it and I am sure that whatever you write will be fabulous!

  7. Anonymous12:10 PM EDT

    this is an excellent idea! *collecting courage for the future* ;-)

  8. I hoped you'd say something like this, Tina! I would love for you to be a guest poster!!

  9. T,
    Think about it! Even your comments are full-size-post worthy (that one about MJ Blush Intense for a woman who says "darn", just to name one)... No pressure, but think about it :-)

  10. great idea. I have a blog,, but
    it could be that this is a good way to cross pollinate with thoughts and ideas, and sometimes get a day off, too...

  11. Luccia,
    Great to hear from you! Your blog looks great, very interesting!

  12. Anonymous11:15 PM EDT

    I'm looking forward to some guest blogging. Afraid that any of my contributions would be in the line of...for example, one of the village grandmothers who swears that Chanel No. 5 catches the biggest salmon and keeps a bottle in her tackle box to spray on bait. Or is this her excuse for buying Chanel No. 5...
    Anyway...great idea and Happy Independence Day!

  13. E,
    Oh my word, that is a great story! Imagine a little collection of such little scent-related anecdotes! I, for one, would love to read those! Just a thought for you...:-)

  14. Anonymous2:52 PM EDT

    I would LOVE to contribute a couple reviews =) I'm usually too lazy to wax enthusiastic about my faves, but a couple have really grasped my imagination, and I'd love a chance to put my thoughts out there!

  15. Anonymous6:49 PM EDT

    Wow, that's great - I would love to do it - must think of a topic first I guess....:-)

  16. Joesy,
    That's great! I am looking forward to your reviews!

  17. Flora,
    Great! Let me know as soon you have decided on the topic(s), I am looking forward to it!!
