
Friday, July 28, 2006

Perfume Ads That Make You Go... How You Doin'!

After a hot, humid, stressful week, after having wasted too much time analyzing PretentiousScentsWithAnnoyingLongNames, after the Chypre Rouge fiasco and after over a thousand visits to Ormonde Jayne site to see if Orris Noir is finally being sold (please don't tell me I am the only sad individual to keep checking there compulsively!) ... after all that one needs some mindless entertainment, some eye candy. Thus I present to you my Hit-Parade of Hottest Guys in Perfume Ads. Please also visit Aromascope, who, to keep things in balance, will allow you to feast your eyes on Hottest Ladies in Perfume Ads.

Cowboys Are Hot... are some soccer players...

...and astronauts...

Family men, men with little babies are really hot.

Not many would agree, but sweaty, horse-riding Ottoman soldiers with yatagans are hot.

Enrique Iglesias is hot indeed...

Aquiline profiles are hot... are barechested guys staring at the horizon...

Can't see this guy's whole face, but I like what I can see...

How you doin'!

...and you!

...and you!

...and you too!

Cartoon guys in Dior ads are ridiculously hot:

And of course, no Hot Perfume Guys Hit Parade can possibly be complete without this stunner:

Have a great weekend, everybody!

The ads shown here are from Parfum de Pub , Images de Parfum and Tauer Perfumes.


  1. Colombina,

    Uh hello? ...husband here ... I thought you said FUNNY guys were sexy?

    Mr. Colombina

  2. Anonymous12:20 AM EDT

    LOL!!! Priceless! I get weak in my knees every time I see that Lonestar Memories hunk. Cartoon guys in Dior ads ARE indeed sexy! The turtleneck and all. I'm also rather partial to the bum. *ahem* But, I'm afraid I, once again, was way too sarcastic in my Hottest Chicks post.

  3. Anonymous12:29 AM EDT

    The Dior guys must smell good - they're always sniffing their turtlenecks!

  4. I had all sorts of comments until I came to the end and saw the uncensored (hello Miss Aromascope!) M7 football player. Sigh. What other men? OK, refocusing brain. The Hermes guy is definitely hot. And Mr. Lonestar - good choice, Andy! But the Jako guy...hmmm...all I can think about is taking him out to get his first trainer bra.

  5. Oooh, ooh, Hermes man- over here! Noble savage, where art thou? Me first...

    Jules??? Provincetown/Fire Island wishlist boy...sigh...reminds me of Boston's Herbie's Ramrod Room [yup, I kid thee not] 34 summers ago, when a lost hippie I know wanted a Coke and landed in the backroom, tee-heee...auguries of years to come?

    Now, seriously, Mrs. C.-

    How about women, like myself, who crave men resembling
    many miles of bad road- I mean SERIOUS wear'n'tear- Willie Nelson meets Morgan Freeman???

    Thank you, lovely, for giving us our am!

    Keep your cool in this heat, and kisses to you and Mr. C...

  6. Great, but nothing beats a good 7-- M7, I mean, M7!!

  7. Ha ha ha -- you did it! M7 Dude ... Uncut! Sweaty men with yatagans are strangely hot, too... cowboys are definitely hot.

    Have you seen the Grigioperla guy? The La Perla men's undies scent? Robin at NST has him. How do you say, how you doin' in Italian?

  8. Mr, C,

    Of course funny guys are the sexiest. Of course they are. I wish the perfume industry realised that!


  9. Ina,
    I am also quite patrial to the white-clad "ahem" :-D I loved your commentary on the Beautiful ad in your post..I never looked at it that way, but yeah, why is she running??

  10. Amy,
    Good point! But of course they smell good, they smell of Eau Sauvage. :-)

  11. Elle,
    Thank you for spoiling Mr. Jako for are right...eww... :-)

  12. Chaya,
    I haven't seen many- if any- ads featuring rigged, wear-n-tear men...The ad makers are quite clueless about what's attractive and what's not! :-)

  13. Judith,
    Nothing beats a god (M)7, you are so right.

  14. March,
    Blame Mr C. He said I won't dare to feature a completely nude image on my blog. Ha!

    La Perla guys is hot too!

  15. Helene,
    This is mostly written with tongue firmly in cheek, however, it really doesn't matter to me whether the fine specimen on these ads are gay or not, why would it?

  16. Thanks for a fun blog entry! Lonestar is my fave since he looks both real and straight.

    I agree with Colombina. Funny guys are the sexiest!

  17. Iris,
    I especially like the Lonestar guy because he seems to have such a good-natured face. He seems nice :-)

  18. Helene,
    The horseriders, wherever they are from, give me a very strong straight "vibe". I don't think you could get any straighter than that :-) Raw, brutal masculinity..ummm hmmm

  19. Personally, I have always thought gay guys were hot (just sayin').

    And funny guys, too, Mr. C, funny guys, too:)

  20. Just adding to lilyofbp's comment - gay guys are indeed hot. I'm madly in love w/ many. But I actually sleep w/ the funny straight men. :-)

  21. Anonymous11:24 AM EDT

    Politely butting in: the purpose of this post, as stated by M., was to provide "some mindless entertainment, some eye candy" (which it has achieved), not disagree on tastes in men. :D Obviously, we all have our own personal tastes, and not all of the guys M. posted appeal to me but I found it enjoyable and funny noentheless. :)

  22. Judith,
    Absolutely. Take Rupert Everett. Or Ian Mckellen. Or the Fabulous Five on Queer Eye...Very hot, especially the "hair" guy. *And* they are funny.
    How come those five haven't release a scent yet? :-)

  23. Elle,
    That's what I do too :-) But if Ian Mckellen miraculously got interested in me...I don't know, Mr. Colombina, I don't know...:-)

  24. Ina,
    You mean the Yatagan guys don't appeal to you?? Tsk tsk tsk LOL

  25. Anonymous11:31 AM EDT

    Er... let's just say I wouldn't sleep with them. ;D

  26. Hey, thanks for the eye candy!! I'll have to give it some more thought before I pick my favorite :-)

  27. Ina...
    I somehow avoided thinking about that aspect...imagine the smell? MKK would seem exquisite compared to that... tee hee

  28. R,
    If I had to pick one, it would probably be the Rocabar guy. Nothing like a great aquiline profile to make my knees go wobbly :-D

  29. Anonymous11:38 AM EDT

    Yes, MKK would definitely be way more appealing. ;D

  30. I don't know. I think they might smell great (sorta like Yatagan:) But I do like Mr. Aquiline!

  31. If Ian ever decides to wander over to the other side, we will have to fight for him. I've got a good supply of POTL ready to spritz at you. :-) Totally swoon worthy man. And the Yatagan ad...gotta love the focus on the armpit of the front rider. LOL!

  32. Ina,
    Hee hee, probably even Cacao would smell nicer :-P

  33. Judith,
    Although I think Rocabar is a great fit for Mr Aquiline, Yatagn would work great on *him*.

  34. Ok, I want in on the Ian catfight! And I also want to put in a plug for guys who wear suits but forget to shave (Kenneth Cole Signature at Parfum de Pub, since my linking abilities are limited:)

  35. Elle,
    This is hard...we like all the same people :-) The Maurice, now Ian...*heavy sigh*

  36. Et tu Judith? All right, cat-fight it is then :-)
    I remember that Cole guy, he is hot. I had to leave out dozens of ads, otherwise the post would have been way too long, and he was one of "almosts".

  37. Anonymous11:58 AM EDT

    You can have Ian all to yourselves, ladies! While I frolic with Rupert Everett.

  38. Helene,
    Oh no no, the catfight is between Elle, Judith and me...we are fighting for the affection of Ian Mckellen :-D

  39. Eau Sauvage cartoon man n°2 is none other than the iconic graphic novel hero Corto Maltese, by the late Italian artist Hugo Pratt. Corto was born of a Cornish sailor and an Andalucian gypsy. His albums have got quite a cult following in France. I, for one, have had a crush on him since I was 15. Here's a link
    The series of album is truly beautiful, poetic and moody.

  40. Carmen,
    That is wonderful, thank you so much for the information!!

  41. Christina,
    Ah! That's his name, it has been bothering me all day that I couldn't remember it, thank you!!

    I also like Thom and the food-guy (?).

  42. Yeah, they are cute--but the funniest is Carson the fashion guy (even if he's a bit studied). And I would be very interested in seeing "their" fragrance.
    Mimi==I'm changing "catfight" to "naked mud wrestling" so that there's no mistake. And I agree that O. Martinez is VERY hot:)

  43. Oh, the Aquiline profile is stunning! Remarkable!

    The rest of them...meh. I like nerds and softies. Peter Sarsgaard could sell me anything. Dirt, lint, you name it. So could Edward Norton. :D

  44. J,
    Naked mud we are talking! (something for Mr C to dream about too, I am sure, heh)

  45. P,
    You have great taste! Those two are awesome.

  46. Christina,
    Ted! Of course! I am incredibly slow today. And I love Carson too. He is the cutest thing ever and so catty. Just love him.

    I guess that leaves out that 5th guy (again, forgot the name). I am not too fond of him.

  47. LMAO! Naked mud wrestling for gay men! Now that's an idea! :-)

  48. Elle,
    Ian might not be excited about it, but I'm sure he'd be amuzed.

  49. March says "M7 Dude ... Uncut!" But I don't know... that picture is too small to tell if the M7 Dude is uncut. *ahem*

  50. Katie,
    Do you want me to...enlarge the picture for you? tee hee

  51. Anonymous4:22 PM EDT

    Colombina and katie, being a tired mom after just moving I had the same thought, cut or un-cut? Then I just had to focus farther up. 'Course I've just been chewing on a Johnny Depp photo shoot in rolling stone and frankly, taint nothing gonna take my mind off that t-shirt. However my DH did have to check on me to see why I was laughing so hard just now.

  52. If I can have Mr Lonestar Memories, you all can have Ian, Rupert and any of the Fab Five.

    But Tim Gunn stays on my team.....

  53. E,
    I am so glad the post made you laugh, and if you enjoyed the views too, that's a bonus :-)

  54. S,
    I don't like the ouros guys, and those in Obsession ads look like that'd belong in the movie Trainspotting, thin and ill :-)

  55. Tom,
    You'd have to fight Ina (Aromascope) for Mr. Lonestar and Patty (Perfume Posse) for Tim Gunn...good luck! :-)

  56. S,
    Mr. Kourous indeed looks fine :-) I don't know how I missed him, he shoud have been in the hitparade.
    The Obsession ads are very interesting and suit the name of the scent. Unlike the later ones with Moss and other thin people.
