
Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Katie and I have fired up a new site, Scentbloggers. Scentbloggers aims to bring you links to the best writing on perfume, as well as open up the seemingly arcane world of smell culture to those who may feel like "newbies" in a web of perfume-nuts. Ideally the site will evolve into a mutant hybrid of an old school weblog (a web log of links) and an online 'zine.

Regular round-ups of the best in perfume blogging will be a staple of the site. Special features will include an advice column, perfume vocabulary explanations (You Just Want Me For My Big Dic... tionary), posts about specific perfumers (Know the Nose), reader polls, and overviews of individual perfumery notes and molecules (Notable Notes.)

We want to extend an open invitation to fellow perfume bloggers to join as member sites. Why? Scentbloggers will focus feature links to reviews and essays on member sites. Additionally, we would like to compile a compendium of member-only review links for new readers to discover. How do you become a member? Easy! Email us at scentbloggers at yahoo dot com to let us know you'd like to join. Once we've verified that you link back to Scentbloggers (text for now, but buttons will be forthcoming shortly) you're in! We do ask that you apply only if you regularly write about fragrance, meaning at least once per week or if at least half your content covers perfumery. Please note that if you're a splogger, or do not post any original content you will not be approved.

However, participation from readers is encouraged as well. Submissions for cool or noteworthy links will be happily accepted with credit given (by alias, name or link) to the reader who first emails us with them. Maybe you've got the writing bug but don't want to deal with the hassle of blogging yourself? Original essays and reviews (no longer than one page) related to perfume, smell, or fragrance shopping are definitely welcome for submission to the editors, with of course credit given to the author.

We sincerely hope Scentbloggers will be a place for new readers to discover the large scent-blogging community, and to become a resource for those who have yet to discover the art and science of perfumery.


  1. Anonymous3:18 AM EDT

    I love the idea and will be browsing on scentbloggers regularly. what better than a new, beautiful site for parfumistas from scent experts? high five ;)!

  2. What a great idea! Off to check it out!

  3. Thank you, Tina, high five right back! :-)

  4. Judith,
    There isn't much there yet, but it wil be growing...

  5. Anonymous9:19 AM EDT

    Awesome idea! I'm in! ;D

  6. Great to have you, Ina!

  7. What a great concept! I'll be "tuning in"....

  8. Sounds great, I'm there!

  9. Brilliant idea! Strengthens the whole perfume blogging community and is a great plus for those of us who are just addicted reader.

  10. "Strengthens the whole perfume blogging community..." I like the way it sounds...:-)
