
Thursday, January 08, 2015

Foodie Thursday: Chicken Soup

By Tom

Last week was one of the coldest on record in Los Angeles. Of course, it's not like there was danger of freezing, at least not in the basin on the Westside. But it was certainly cold enough to make me want to break out the chicken soup.

Chicken soup is of course almost universally loved (at least in America.)  Whether it's coming from a can or a deli, it's my personal go-to comfort dish when the temps drop or I have a cold. I will even cop to still enjoying a childhood favorite: Campbell's, preferably served with saltines.

Of course, Los Angeles has better options as well. Nate 'n Al's in Beverly Hills, Canter's and Factors in Los Angeles and Greenblatt's in West Hollywood are all noted for various variations on what is commonly referred to as "Jewish Penicillin," matzoh ball soup. Even the neighborhood's local Bristol Farms has a pretty good version in what they call their "comfort bar."

One of my favorite recipes is the slow cooker one that was developed by the America's Test Kitchen people (linked to here) but it does require that you have a slow cooker. 

If you have a recipe you's like to share, please do so in the comments..

Image: Wikipedia


  1. Being vegan, I don't have a chicken in this race, so to speak. But your post makes me want to go cook up some vegie noodle soup. Well, actually, the weather here does, too. (Who am I kidding? We're up to a toasty 12 degrees F.) I bet it's a bit refreshing for a former New Englander, though - no?

  2. Look so yummy.
