Foodie Sunday: Oh what a night!ŠMy favorite Hangover Remedy and a Spicy Prize draw!
By Beth Oh my….it WAS one of THOSE nights! By yesterday Jim and I were definitely ready for a serious night of partying. One of the delightful parts of our new diet regimen is a once a week splurge, so after my evening of volunteering down at Severance Hall we decided that venturing downtown to meet our friends Steve and Freida for drinks was the perfect remedy for what had truly been a very long week! We found ourselves in the middle of a very hip, trendy sushi bar where my pal was holding court , charming anyone within 30 feet, with her admiring husband Steve just watching her with a huge grin on his face. That's my friend Freida though…she's fairly irresistible and makes friends wherever she goes, many of them being serious "A" listers that she's never heard of until someone lets her know who they actually are. We met the two of them when our kids were dating, and we hit it off immediately much to the dismay of our children. We've traveled together , shared many a meal , share the same wedding anniversary, lived through the breakup of our children , demanded custody rights of each other and have vowed to never be separated. The four of us just have a ball together. Freida is the ultimate girl-power friend. I've written about her before but one of the many reasons that I love her is that she refuses to have fun alone. She's fiercely competitive in all of the right ways, but not with her women friends, with us she has a heart as huge as Everest. Now though, some hair of the dog is absolutely necessary so it's time for a Bloody Mary. I make mine with clam juice, tomato juice, some Penzeys crab seasoning a bit of brown sugar, fresh horseradish, a squeeze of lemon juice, a pinch of celery salt, garlic, minced onion and a really good dill pickle spear and oh yes..some Bakon vodka. Pour all the ingredients over ice, stir with the pickle and add two strips of smoky , thick bacon, a skewer of smoked mussels and lay back under the covers with some cucumber slices over your eyes and the covers pulled high. So what's your favorite hangover remedy? Leave it for me in the comments and I'll send you my favorite bloody mary spice mix and a few scented surprises! Happy Foodie Sunday my friends…Enjoy the sunshine and the Bloody Mary's. You don't need a hangover, but it helps:) Photo of sushi bar from Photo of Bakon Vodka from Bakon Vodka Labels: Beth, foodie sunday |
I usually take an herbal remedy that includes ginger, turmeric, green tea, and rosemary during nights out to prevent hangovers- works every time! If I don't happen to have any of this magical elixir on hand, the next morning I'll eat a giant egg, cheese, and bacon sandwich, preferably grilled in butter on an English muffin, with a side of coffee if my stomach can take it. Seems to soak up any lingering toxins and usually sets me right. :)
Oh you kids!
Reads like great fun, and your friend seems like a blast to be around. I'm practically a tea-totaler these days..
But I do remember that a big, greasy burger was #1 on the list as hangover cures. A bloody was #3, after a virgin accompanying the burger. That virgin should have enough tabasco to strip the paint off the bannisters..
Chicken fried steak with a side of greens and a bloody mary, extra spicy.
It must be a New England thing - I love a huge bowl of oatmeal with fruits cut up into it and maple syrup, and ginger tea (If you Google for "Diane Von Furstenberg ginger tea" she has a charming interview where she explains how to make it). I love Bloody Marys with lunch a few hours later! - KatherineB
First of all let me say that if I know I am going to drink a-l-o-t or something strong, I take an 800 mg ibuprofen before I start drinking. I am telling you will save your self a headache, or at least minimize it. In the morning, I sleep in! When I get up, I will rub peppermint and or lavender essential oil into my temples, burn it in my diffuser, make a can of soup or spagettios (because I am too sick to manage anything else),pour an ice cold cola or hot coffee for caffeine, make my way to the recliner with a warm blanket, turn on the tv, think to myself I will never do that again! Sit or lay back and heal. Shelley
My friend Beth really knows how to let her hair down! You go girl.
In these parts, we have a big bowl of Menudo and a huge coke or maybe a beer...hehehe
Since I don't drink beer, a shot of tequila is my choice
Beth, what an awesome night! Frieda sounds like so much fun, and I bet you two are formidable together.
I don't drink much because I get so sick to my stomach, but my favorite hangover cure is a sausage biscuit from McDonald's.
If it ever happens again, I am going to give the greasy burger remedy a try....
2 large glasses of water and Advil before bed, eye mask to sleep as late as possible, and herbal supplements to calm a queasy stomach, I like Quiet Digestion by Health Concerns.
I am so taking notes on your bloody Mary. That sounds yummy!
Plenty of mineral water,rest,aspirin. Although it happens to me extremely rarely - almost never. Thanks for entering me. Alica - alica at cleis dot net.
Ugh, I've run in to that kind of "newly minted pretentiousness" a lot lately. I have no qualms about making fun of people like that. You and your friends know how to have a good time!
Alright, I don't make a habit of this, but Alka-Seltzer and Red Bull is my sure-fire, magic bullet hangover cure. Cheers!
A huge glass of water followed by greasy, salty fried eggs with whatever carbohydrate is at hand, plus a 1/2 coffee 1/2 milk mixture. Once all that has gotten down, I may try a Gatorade with vodka as penance for the overindulgence..
Sounds like you have lot more fun than I do on your evenings out!
WOW! These are would seem that I'm not the only one who knows how to have a great time! Thanks you guys! I'm feeling lots better but m keeping these on hand for the next time:))))))
I just have to say your Bloody Mary recipe sounds Ahmazing. I've never come across a truly satisfactory fix for a hangover, but I believe the preemptive Advil and drinking lots of water works fairly well in preventing a severely miserable day after. ;-)
A hangover remedy for me always involves eggs, either fried or an omelet, always with lots of cheese!
Thanks for the draw. :-)
I almost never do the Russian hangover cure - which includes drinking brine from a pickle jar :) and taking a shot of vodka, but it usually does work. What I do is lots of water before bed and first thing in the morning, couple of eggs with tabasco, hot tea with lemon and a very long shower. As we say, a bad hangover cure can lead to binge drinking :) so I skip alcohol altogether the next day - the relief is short and comes with more hangover later!
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