S&G Hampton Sun is a company specializing in luxury sun and skin care products. It was founded by Salvatore Piazzolla and Grant Wilfley, who reside in Manhattan and the Hamptons. Their first fragrance was meant to capture “the essence of the Hamptons” and to speak about the brand’s “core inspiration— the beautiful beaches of Eastern Long Island”. Developed by
Ungerer & Company, for whom the partnership with Hampton Sun is the first fragrance venture,
Privet Bloom was named after the privet hedges apparently synonymous with the Hamptons, and has notes of lemon verbena, bergamot, white hyacinth, jasmine, linden blossom, gardenia, orangeflower, dune rose, sea grass, cucumber, driftwood and musk. I must say that I am impressed with the fact that a sun-care company opted for a) choosing as their inspiration a destination different from the ubiquitous “topical” one, b) creating a perfume, the smell of which is in no way associated with suntan lotions or anything else stereotypically “beachy”, like exotic cocktails (in other words, for not using a coconut, pineapple, or any other exotically-fruity note), and c) not making it aquatic. It is an unusual and commendable choice for a brand these days to have a green floral as a signature perfume, and, keeping in mind Bill Blass’ recent release, it makes me tentatively hopeful of perhaps a new trend emerging, and the end of the era of fruity-florals. Forever a dreamer, me.
Sadly, I have never summered in Hamptons, so I cannot comment on how true the scent is to the spirit of the area, but it certainly possesses an air of “casual elegance” that would make it entirely appropriate for being worn during a luxurious weekend getaway in a posh mansion. On the other hand, there is a certain untamed, natural, wind-swept feel to the fragrance, which I like, and which makes my mind wonder to the area I actually
know - the pale dunes by the cold Baltic sea, somewhere in Jurmala… Privet Bloom is a green floral composition that isn’t fresh as much as it is bracing. Those who don’t love hyacinth, might find the scent to be a little on the harsh side. This is a cold fragrance, with silvery-green, high-pitched notes of lily of the valley and hyacinth, aided by the bright citrusy notes, being much more prominent than the warmer and sweeter notes of linden, rose and orange blossom. Privet Bloom is not a particularly complex scent and does not go through many stages of development; in the beginning the citrus is more apparent, and in the base the appealing green freshness of cucumber surfaces, without watering the scent down or adding the dreaded marine undertone…but mainly the composition is a bouquet of wild flowers gathered during a the romantic walk in the dunes. As I am now in throws of mad love for green/white-floral perfumes, I thoroughly enjoyed Privet Bloom, and would love to have a bottle for summer…I would wear this Hamptons-inspired scent and dream of Jurmala.
Privet Bloom is available at
Hamptonsuncare.com, $65.00 for 1.7oz of Eau de Parfum (this review was of the EDP) and $49.50 for 1.7oz of Eau de Toilette.
The image of the bottle is from Hamptonsuncare.com, the photo of the beach in Jurmala, Latvia, is from Apartment.lv.
Granted its been years since I've had a summer in the area, but I don't particularly remember hyacinth and lov as being predominent there. But it does sound lovely: am I getting a desire for brighter stuff now that spring has sprung as well?
Oh, my! You make Privet Bloom sound like the perfect Spring fragrance. I've been in and out of a green phase my entire adult life and always on the look-out for a new love. Thanks for the great review. :-)
Green florals instead of fruity-florals...oh, please, from your mouth to the perfume gods' ears. Because of my intense desire to see green florals be the next big thing, I want to say that I'm sure I'd love this. Positive. Absolutely. However, the awkward truth is that I'm just not a hyacinth and lotv person. :-( Still, I love them for going in this direction.
Oh, that does sound lovely! I'm trying not to buy for a little while, but that definitely goes on the list!
Where the heck is my sample?!?! Sigh... I hadn't tried it because the word "privet" and its boxwood-like association skeered me, but now I'll have to go dig it up. Agree with Tom that hyacinth and lov are not what I'd conjure up (beach roses more than anything else, possibly) but it does sound nice.
I must admit I have no idea, how privet hedges would smell (if someone told me, what "privet" is Russian, maybe I would have remembered the plant in question...oh, by the way, "privet" in Russian means Hello :-)), but it is my feeling, that hyacinth and LOTV are there to help replicate that smell...
Really, what DOES privet smell like? From the google, it seems it smells kind of green and woody?
Thank you! It does seem to be a perfect spring fragrance. I am craving green florals something terrible this days :-)
When I wrote about hyacinth perhaps being a little harsh for those who don't love it, I was thinking of you :-) I mean, you'd probably think it is a nice scent overall, but it is not something you'd enjoy, given your feelings toward hyacinth and LOTV. :-(
I am on a no buy too (heh), and this is on my list too. I wonder what EDT is like, it might actually be ever more pleasant in hot weather.
I will ask you the same question, what does privet smell like exactly? :-)
Privet (to my nose) smells like boxwood -- I'd need to do more research, not sure if they're different species? I think they are. .. anyway, privet smells like pee -- they're pretty common around here as hedges, and it's not just the dogs using them ;-) They make great seaside hedges, though. Here:
"Popular as privacy hedging, privet is a fast-growing, salt-tolerant semi-evergreen we recommend for seaside conditions primarily because of its ability to create a protective microclimate. Privet provides a barrier against the wind that will allow plants to thrive within its enclosure that would not survive full exposure to harsh conditions. In the summer it blooms with lots of little white flowers similar to boxwood in fragrance — some people (Michael) love the smell, while others (Hope) finds the odor distinctly unpleasant. At any rate, privet is a hardy plant, and in fact can become a 20- or 30-foot monster if not pruned on a regular basis." -- from pbs.org/seasideplants
Ack - hyacinth and LotV! Count me out, I'm afraid. One of these days, though, I swear I'm going to get the hang of those.
I see...Thank you, March! Well, I can honestly say that Privet Bloom does not smell like pee :-)
I was like you once...and look at me know...love LOTV and hyacinth :-)
I don't think I'm a green-floral person, but anything is better than the ubiquitous fruity-floral. Plus, if you love them, my dear, I certainly hope it is a new trend! :-)
Thank you, dear M! :-)
You're welcome! Actually, it must be a different species, because boxwood is really slow-growing, at least the ones I'm familiar with.
I only wish someone would translate privet and boxwood to Russian for me...then perhaps I would have been able to put the smell to the name so to say :-)
I loved reading what this scent evokes in you. Plus, I'm obviously biased. ;D I just wish I had the same impression. Alas, on me, Privet Bloom is all about hyacinth and LOTV, and, while pretty, not something I need.
Poor hyacinth and LOTV, no one likes them :-)
Well, most L'Artisans are EDTs, so comparing the price of PB in EDT to those, PB is much cheaper. I think need a bottle...
It does sound pretty...
Personally, I'd probably prefer to smell like Jurmala than the Hamptons, just because [I'm a perverse creature, that's why !].
Count me in the green...
I like Jurmala so much, it breaks my heart how much I miss it.
All ozonic cucumber on me, sadly, from the first to the last :-(
Oh no :-( I just get a tiny bit of cucumber, in the end.
Oh, sounds so lovely! I admit that the description was so unappealing to me that I did not want to consider it. Must dig out that sample asap.
I just hope it won't go all cucumber on you like it did on R :-) I can't stand strong cucumber notes myself.
I read this this morning and went to smell it myself at Henri Bendel and I must agree that it is quite fantastic. I bought a bottle and everyone in the office is stopping me and asking what that fantastic smell is. The hyacinth and LOTV are not overpowering and do in fact replicate the smell of the privet hedges in the Hamptons. I'm converted!!!
Oh I am so glad it worked for you too! Congratulations on your bottle!
Thanks you for your interest in Privet Bloom. As co-owner of Hampton Sun LLC we are so happy to hear such nice feedback on our first fragrance.
The Privet Hedge is well known in the Hamptons for providing privacy to the many Estates and beach homes on the eastern end of Long Island.
In late June the beautiful Privet Hedge blooms with many little white flowers that are so delicate. If you can image riding a bicycle to the beach, you pass many homes lined with the Privet in bloom. The smell in the air is of a white and green floral, fresh and clean, smell of summer. We’ve captured this in our signature fragrance, Privet Bloom.
We hope you enjoy it. Happy spring!
Dear Grant,
Thank you very much for your comment and congratulations on your lovely first fragrance! Here is wishing that there will be more to come.
Just read about PB in O magazine, sounds perfect for spring.
I am a native Long Islader who relocated to the city. I have this perfume, and absolutely love it. It smells just like the Hamptons in the summer! It's not overbaringly strong, and stays on...I've gotten many compliments on it.
The Privet Bloom parfume is by FAR the most enticing and light fragrant mist I have ever experienced. I got a sample from www.sephora.com and immediately bought a bottle and I am going to order another....THanks for the "different" fragrance.
Barb W
I haven't bought perfume in 8 years, due to the fact that I just hate the scent of most of them. I so often come across scents so heavy and thick they seem like they must have been put on like cream cheese. I received this sample in an order I placed to Sephora and I fell in love with it. So much so that 3 months later when I had the money to make a luxury purchase I still remembered the name of it. I adore it! Green, light, floral. It's wonderful. :-)
Pleas to sample free parfum male or female about my adress:
Peter kandrac
29.augusta 167/41
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