At the Perfume Expo America I had a pleasure to have a scent custom made for me by the
très charmant and
très patient François Hénin of Jovoy. Here he is, measuring, diluting and bottling.

The scent is a blend of rose, patchouli, amber, vanilla, woods...and a "secret ingredient" that smells oily, waxy, slightly salty, and which gave the fragrance its slightly retro, powdery-snaky base. M. Hénin described the perfume as "animalic and a little bit masculine". I would describe it as unequivocaly feminine, softly-skanky, glamorous slash comforting. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to
name my scent. The author of a winning entry, chosen by
moi, will receive a set of 30 samples, also chosen by
moi, and I promise they will be quite exciting.
The draw is now closed.In the meantime,
the winner of the Guerlain Les Voyages Olfactifs sample draw is
Tammy. Please send us your address using the contact link on the right.
Have a fabulous July 4th weekend, everybody!
Names for the custom frag:
terra rosa
romaine (after Romaine Brooks, an amazing, tough but classy and classic painter whose work I love)
How exciting to have a custom blend! I can't wait to hear what you name it!
fountaingirl (at) gmail (dot) com
It can only be called....Thalassa
You have described a haunting fragrance drifting over the sea...
B'Eau :)
Hmmmmm, powdery-snaky and I will propose "Inanna." Your custom scent sounds lovely!
Marinara Sauce! I keed! I'm thinking...
Okay, all thought out. I'm going with Snake Charmer (see this reference -- it's fascinating)
OR Red Cobra (Naja Pallida) which actually does exist. Crimson Cobra is also nice, or Cobra Rouge, but I like the impact of just plain Red Cobra. Here's a look at the beauty:
Tueur de serpent
Charmeur de serpent
хороший запах
Of course you could also soften it -- Rose Cobra, Cobra Rose (please add the accent) or even Pink Cobra.
Okay, I promise I'm done now.
Evangeline (or Eau d'Evangeline).
Chansons de Serpent Rouge maybe?
or Songs of the Crimson Cobra
or Lizard Rose or Hymn to the Sea Snake... Or Snake ´n Roses...
I tend to like long names on perfumes...
Anyway it sounds like a terrific experience, both the custom blend but also to whole event.
Best regards!
Wow, Marina! What fun to create your own scent. I'll go with a simple name - Seduction.
How about:
Serpentine Ambré
l'Eau Ciré
Have fun and I'm dead jealous!
Eau de Marina
It's you in the eau! Sound's gorgeous, just like you!!
I would call the juice: Medusa. Definitely glamorous, slithering and wet.
One more: Black Mamba
You have a lovely name with a lovely meaning. Marina is of Greek origin meaning 'from the sea'. In French 'a la mer' means 'by the sea' [and I love the idea of going with a French name for a perfume]. Therefore, how about - "Arome a la Mer"? This is fun! :-)
Another suggestion: Thais
I realized I shouldn't have put my email on the blog. How to remove it? Jill
Hi Marina--your custom scent sounds lovely. When I think of snakes I always think of their movements--I suggest Glissande. Cheers, Sara
What? No Expo report? Having been deprived of my own visit by their screwy rescheduling I am very disappointed. *pouts* Nevertheless, I will think about a name on my walk with the dog--where all the best thinking happens--and report in momentarily.
??? I'm not anonymous, I'm dissed. "Slink."
Love Romaine and Oiseau!
Gorgeous name!!
That is very clever! Are you on a market for samples? :-)
A Sumerian goddess? Great name.
Ok - the more I thought about it, I realized as pretty as the name I suggested above is [;-)], it does give an aquatic impression that you may not want. Sooo - on the 'snakey' theme, how about "Arome a le Serpent". I also really like "Serpentine" - an actual word, but it also combines Serpent with Martine! Isn't that cool?!
LOL at Marinara Sauce! I like Snake Charmer a lot.
well, that's it, I am going with хороший запах. As it describes it the best :-)
I've always loved the name Evangeline
It sounds so very you.
Why not "Marina's Voyage"?
Lizard Rose...hmm...maybe!
Simple and perfect!
L'Eau Ciré stood out straightaway.
Something's wrong with my brain this morning - I confused Martine with Marina. Duh.
:-)) Easy and pretty, if I say so myself :-)
Ooh, Medusa sounds good!
I have always been attracted by anything to do with the sea, probably because of the name :-) So I do love your suggestion.
I like Thais!
I deleted the comment with the email, and I do like the name Cleo!
Glissande! What a great word.
This promotion/exercise with Jovoy was truly the highlight of the expo. The rest was basically...stands, press materials, samples. Waiting for your suggestion!!
I love Slink!
I like how Arome a le Serpent sounds!
Marina's Voyage...why not indeed! I do suffer from a really bad case of wanderlust at the moment :-)
Don't want to be in the draw, but wanted to put in my vote for "Bashert" as a name. And the scent sounds brilliant! What a cool experience.
If you were in a draw, this might win ;-))
I like Elle's name suggestion too. I don't want to be in the draw, but have always loved the word, "Bravura". Someone needs to make a perfume with that name. :-) How wonderful you've had a perfume created for you!!
Dear Marina,
I have not commented before, but I want to suggest Mélusine as a suitable name for this enticing fragrance. If you remember the medieval legend, she was a fairy who married a mortal,but insisted he never watch her bathe. When he disobeyed and discovered her scaly tail, she flew away.
I love that word, it is so vibrant!
Dear Anonymous,
I absolutely love your suggestion! It speaks to me on so many levels :-)
What an exciting contest!
I love being called by my Russian nickname, so how about one of yours? I like Marishka best (with the Eau de). But there is also, of course, Marisha or Marinochka.
Can I make some more suggestions later in the day?
Ninochka :-)
I love those too. Of course, make as many as you wish.
It is my dream to have a scent created for me!
How about some variation of "My Own" in French or Russian?
C'est le mien? How would it sound in Russian?
Or perhaps a sultry, mysterious name....Couvée?
Since it's a bit of you, maybe a litttle bit of your soul...
Morceau de mon âme?
Since there is the contrast of the skank and the glam, how about Déchiré ? Or Opposúx attirent? Maybe just Attirent?
(I am relying on Babelfish here, so pleae don't laugh!)
I worked at a company for several years that had Russian and Ukrainian partners, and I vaguely remember a word that meant a stylish or elegant woman...Atelnaya, or something like that?? I'd love to see a gorgeous, complex Russian name!
And Marina, I am SO excited about winning your generous draw, but I am having trouble with the link to contact you. I'm sure it's on my end, I am having email issues.
Is there another way to contact you?
Great suggestions all!
Мой? Мои духи? :-) (Moj - my own?)
Elegantnaya? A sin elegant? :-)
I am sorry you are having trouble! The email is pstblog at yahoo dot com
Oooh...elegant sin! How fun that sounds! Peche elegant,?? :o)
OK -- here's a few for now, following up on the deadly feminine, slightly retro angle. More to follow I'm sure. Please add all proper accent marks in your mind's eye:
La Belle Dame Sans Merci
And of a slightly more watery origin:
Sirena (siren/mermaid)
l'eau dangereuse
the deadly feminine HAHAHA Love it!
La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Love all three. Let's start a line of perfumes. Called Deadlier Than A Male of the Species :-)
has nothing to do with you personally but going with the snake thing:
Souffle Viperine
Serpent Rouge
I've always liked the sound of the name Tamora, she's the queen of the Goths in Shakespeare's bloodiest play, Titus Andronicus, and as deadly as they come.
Sale fille
Okay, I lied. Here are a few more:
L'eSSS est Plus
L'eSSS est Mort (this is a kind of joke, but I like it :)
L'Eau d'eSSSS
Attar Fatale or Fatale Attar
Fatale Poudree
Sea Serpent
So Mariska
Sea Rose
Snake Oil
It's Not Snake Oil
Enough! That's not a name suggestion, that's a promise I probably won't keep ;)
How about "boa"?
Oh, these are all so wonderful. I love Melusine (or Melusina, of course), and Boa, and so many others. My first thought, and one I haven't been able to improve upon, is Persuasion. A word I always liked, and one I associate with femininity and even with snakes: the softness of the syllables reminds me of their sinuous movement, for some reason. Good luck in your search!
huile de serpent
The names being posted are great and the fragrance sounds lovely.
My choices are Sireen or Odalisque
Oh my idea was Boa (but Sean's Jo beat me to it!)
Le Chat Noir
l'Eau Sineaux (or in English Serpentine)
Sagesse (means both wisdom and discretion)
Congratulations on your new scent, what fun!
Oh my dear I read I rave, and that makes me feel better. So, even if completely uncensored, here go a few ideas.
Bronze de Rose
Theodore trouvee
UltraMarina (in Spanish it means d'ailleurs)
Iseut s'enfuit
I may add another...
I think you should call your fragrance
" Mariniere "
I will read the other suggestions now....
And since we're in this most historical date, celebrate guys, all of you in that great and deep and passionate America.
Goutte Gothique
Alilla (In Hebrew, it means a plot, a narrative plot, but it has a hint of an aliteration with night)
Feu de Marine?
My offering:
Eau de Vison Elégant
I imagine it being worn with seamed stockings, gorgeous patent leather pumps, a mink coat and luscious red lipstick.
Or maybe L'eau Pour Une Vison Elégante ;-)
That is so exciting! I have a bunch of ideas:
Philyra (Greek godess of Beauty, Perfume, Healing and Writing!)
Ascot X. (Channelling "My Fair Lady" at the horseracing event, exhorting her chosen thoroughbred runner to ... get a move on. Delicate and earthy.)
Have fun choosing a winner *and* wearing your bespoke scent. Cheerio,
Anna from Edinburgh.
Some other suggestions:
In honor of the notes:
A Rose in Autumn
A Mortal Rose
Lalita (Sanskrit for beautiful, in honor of the patchouli and wood notes)
Words that perfume evokes:
Sweet Disorder
How very fun for you to go through this process...and a carry-out version, no less! Presto, pronto. :)
Conjuring names for you...hey, there's one: Conjecture. Something we might form about you when catching your waft as you wear this perfume...
Vipere Rose
Vipere Rouge?
Karen G.
The scent sounds gorgeous!
I am not feeling very creative naming-wise, but here are a few :
1. Sweet Sin
2. Venom
3. Poison and Roses
4. Poisoned Rose (ooh I like this!)
5. Dangerous Liasons
And now I have to fall back on a Bunuel film whose name could suit the perfume
6. That Obscure Object of Desire
And maybe
7. Belle de Nuit (or some variation of that- I don't speak French..:))
Takes no prisoners, and it means "witch" in Spanish.
oops! I meant Liaisons not Liason..
A custom scent is so exciting:
I believe you are Russian (or Ukrainian) so something alluding to your heritage would be nice.
The way you describe it, it sounds like a festive scent.
How about: (sorry I don't have a cyrillic font):
vecherinka (party)
ocharovannii les/vecher (enchanted forest/evening)
charodeika (enchantress)
Thanks, Jen
"Cherchez la Femme" - Emma :)
Hey, let's go tres mod with a name for your new scent: "Woot" (That's it! There it is! What it is! You said it! Props! ...all in one silly little word. ;) )
No? Too trite? Feminine/soft skank/glam comfort (and perhaps a touch masculine, which maybe reads as confidence) deserves a more lasting name. Such as...
Cashmere Shrug
...because a shrug is both a kind of wrap, and a tossing off of care...
...or maybe...
Robe en Fleur Bois
...because it is your soft armor when going off beyond the flowered outskirts and into the animalic wood.
Have fun...hope you are having a fabulous 4th weekend yourself!
Your scent sounds amazing!! I hope I can smell it sometime.
Saurian Beauty
Depending on whether you want an Italian named scent: Diavolo Donna
or a
French named scent: Femme de Demon
Depending on whether you want an Italian named scent: Diavolo Donna
or a
French named scent: Femme de Demon
It sounds yummy, I am dying to know what the "secret ingredient" is!
I am going to go REALLY off the wall here and propose a couple of names that would evoke both sinuous serpents and the salty sea - Kerilia or Pelamis, two genera of sea snakes found in tropical waters. Yes, they are dangerous, but also beautiful, just the like the femme fatale you will be when wearing this perfume. :-)
How in the world will you ever decide which great name to choose from this list?! There really are some incredible suggestions here! So, good luck with that. ;-)
Is it too late to throw out a suggestion?
What about Naga? They are serpent goddesses of India who guard the treasures of the deep, which can be taken literally or metaphorically. Slinky, aquatic, powerful, protective, and potentially dangerous.
Here is a link if you want to read more.
And the most important thing in this mysterious game: how could we know what does it smell like? I leave, therefore, the fragrance aside, strangely, and think of your writing, and suggest Sous Marine...and a smile
I love the word Souffle, one of my favorite words :-)
Yea! Deadly is good! :-)
What a pretty name!
So Mariska- love that! :-))
sean's jo
nice and simple!
Great, and the reference to Austin does not hurt either
Jess Neiger,
parseltongue! yesss! :-)
Love both!
Marin'eau is perfect!!
I love the word "sagesse"
love all, and especially Iseut s'enfuit :-)
Great name! :-)
Alilla...LOVE it.
...and Sous Marine...but Alilla and Feu de Marine the most.
Mmmm, what a great image! :-)
Everything sounds even better in French :-)
Lillith I think would suit this scent very nicely.
Anna from Edinburgh
Perfect! :-)
A Mortal Rose...mmm, nice and goth :-)
Conjecture...a cerebral name. Love it.
Karen G.
Both are great.
I would totally call a perfume That Obscure Object of Desire!
A great, powerful, sensual word!
Oh yes, I am! Hella is a great name. Hellas' Angels, LOL!!
Charodejka sounds so pretty
Woot it is :-)))
Saurian Beauty...You don't know just how perfect the word saurian is :-)) You can totally smell it. End of July, right?
Diavolo Donna. Si!
He wouldn't tell what it is. Some amber blend :-)I like how Pelamis sounds.
I have no idea!! Too many really great suggestions.
I like how the word is short but has powerful, dangerous ring to it
I adore all your suggestions, thank you!
How easy it is, all of a sudden, to become a cyber community, if just guided correctly, as you lead this, and when all participants are so respectfull of each other. I love this.
respectful, and cooperative
Inexplicably, the name Séraphine came to my mind...
Séraphine: burning ones, a name used for the heavenly winged angels surrounding the throne of God
this just came to me off the top of my head:
Poudre de Serpent
Anthony :)
the name should be "coup de fouet".
will m.
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