Byredo Pulp: Perfume Review
![]() Grandma making jam in a big pot, taking off the sugary, sticky foam with a big spoon...this is the image that popped into my head the moment I smelled Pulp. I have always thought that for some reason the pink-white foam tasted so much better than the actual jam, perhaps because it still retained certain freshness, certain "real berry" feel. As does Pulp. Imagine a huge pot in which a lot of Bois de Paradis (which is what Pulp reminds me of the most), some Mure et Musc Extrait, Nicolai Balkis and quite a bit of Nez a Nez Bouche Baie are boiling...aromas of sweet figs, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and vanilla are blending, melting, coagulating, creating a composition that is way fruitier than any of the ones that I named and with an identity all of its own. I mentioned the real-berry feel that jam foam has, and that fresh, green feel is indeed present in Pulp. Because...imagine that a reckless cook dumped into the pot that contains all the syrupy, fruity perfumes...a hefty dose of Stecca. That's right, the verdant and earthy element in Pulp is surprisingly strong. This dry, aromatic accord goes side by side with the jammy part of the composition not letting it become overwhelmingly saccharine. I don't know how often I could wear this Fruity Perfume Extraordinaire, but I can't help but admire the audacity of the berry overdose and the green twist that startles and delights. Pulp is available at Barneys, $195.00 for 100ml. Image source, Please tune in tomorrow and on Sunday as we finally come out to admit that although there is nothing more important than Perfume, we do obsess about other things as well, thus inaugurating Weekend Beauty on PST. Labels: Byredo, Fruity Perfumes |
Brilliant description of Pulp! Against all odds, I really enjoy this scent. I'm also now craving that jam foam! Wouldn't it be lovely to be able to order just that in a restaurant?
Look forward to your weekend posts! :-)
Oh no, PLEASE don't make me want this - your description is veritable fruit po*n! And I mean that in a really, really good way. Have I ever mentioned that I love a good fruity perfume? I want to dive into that jam pot and stay there...
OMIGOD- Jam Foam! I remember my mom making jam and us kids perched like vultures when she was skimming that off, begging for it. The concentrated flavor of blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and peaches were unbelievable.
And I talked myself out of Pulp having just done my taxes thinking it too onanistic to justify. Perfume Circe strikes again!
I agree Pulp smells a lot like Bois de Paradis, though a little less refined and grown-up, quite a bit more sticky-sweet, still a very similar type of "golden nectar in the garden of Eden" fruity fragrance... Lovely as they are, I prefer Bois de Paradis and don't think I'll ever need more than one scent in this category.
Mmmmmmm JAM! Remember when you were a kid and your mom would drop you off at the movies with a big tub of Jam?
It might attract bears but it would shun me away. Guess you could call this 'Pulp FIG-shun' ?
I think it does sound a bit too sweety & fruity but if audicity is to be admired, this sounds like it qualifies for admiration ... (from a distance).
But who 'nose'? The stemmy green twist might surprise me?
Among the many many countless benefits of living with Colombina is the immediate access to the fragrances reviewed. Since my comment, I was graciously dabbed and the plethora of produce is overwhelming to these amateur nostrils, at least at first.
It's like the morning after and waking up next to Carmen Miranda.
Wave this under my nose if I pass out on the street.
Once it settles though it is less 'fruit bowl' and almost - dare I say - pleasant.
Mmm, that would be wonderful. I can't believe you liked Pulp too. Really, against all odds.
LOL at food po*n! Thank you, what a compliment!
I can't believe we all fell for this FRUITY monster. :-) What is wrong with us all? :-)
You know...I can't believe I'll say this...but I actually prefer Pulp. I don't want to have as I would crave it exactly once a year, is so delightful.
P...or is it Joey?
Bravo on Pulp FIG-shun!
well, would you rather wake up next to Miranda from Sex and the City?
For some reason, that picture has totally thrown me off my game. I know, the rest of you are salivating at the thought of jam pulp...yes, I remember watching my Grandma make jam...
...but I am getting aliens. And other stuff. Too early!! Too early!!! ;) Methinks no jam on toast for me this morning.
So, PST is going to morph into BLT for the weekend? (Beauty Lookin' Things?) Have fun!!
Oh I am sorry! :-) Aliens in the morning, brr :-)
LOL at BLT, a good one!!!
M, I'm sure Mr. G is more than happy with you, and anyway, I think Miranda might be keener on you than him... Just sayin'. (SHe was the redhead, right?)
Like most new releases, I've not sniffed this. There's sometihng in Bois de Paradis that I find TOO MUCH, though it's not the jamminess (an imitation perhaps of the waxy-honey-cedar of FdB?). Pulp might be a little too much for me...
Yeah then Pulp would be really too much too!
I am not keen on Miranda myself :-) If I had to choose one of them...Samantha I guess. :-)
I bought a little spray bottle of Pulp from the sniffa site last Fall, because I was curious about it. And, I love it, M!
It smells like a figgy, plummy, sugar cane mash with just a touch of coconut on my skin. Not for everyone, but very much worth a try.
Oh you too, you too! We are under the spell of Pulp :-)
I love Pulp. Its big and fun and festive! Not at all fussy. I actually wore it alot during the Christmas season as it reminded me of the decadent, succulent fruit you might have after a holiday meal. I have not sniffed Bois de Paradis, but now I think I must!
Then you will love Bois de P. for sure.
The picture looks quite...brrrr, strange, but the description is sooo delicious!
I"m not a fan of pulp, but I DO crave chocolate. I'm embarrassed to admit, though, that my tastes are somewhat plebian. I prefer a good Hershey bar to Maison du Chocolate any day!
Pulp...I own a bottle, in spite of me, almost an oddity of sorts, but when one suddenly craves for that succint wisp of fresh enveloped in rageful excess, there it is. A weirdly funny and sexy creature.
I like Hershey too. But nothing compares to Russian chocolate.
I love you said, "in spite of me". I like this scent "in spite of me" :-)
I can see how it might look a to interpretation :-))
I've never had Russian chocolates, Columbina, but I imagining the beautiful boxes in which they're packaged. Ah, to be the Princess in a Russian fairetale. That would be right up my alley ;-)
Oh Hanna,
We should remedy that. How about plums in chocolate? Sound tempting at all?
Byredo has recently agreed a deal to be the official supplier of hotel toiletries to the new Hotel Skeppsholmen in Stockholm. You can check out the hotel (opening 26th October 2009) at
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