Bored on Sunday
Here is what we found out "quotating" random names and nicknames: Everybody! Everybody wants a piece of colombina! [Can you blame them?] Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty colombina. [All right, all right, don't get your panties in a wad.] I'm melting! Melting! Oh, what a colombina! What a colombina! [*bats eyelashes*] You know the difference between you and me? I make Mr Colombina look good. [The secret of the success of our marriage] Funny like I'm a Mr Colombina? I amuse you? [Don't flatter yourself, Goodfella] Nobody puts Tmp00 in a corner. [Too right!] Why don't you come up sometime and see Aromascope? [Link on the left...] No, it is not dangerous to confuse Chanel with angels. [The wiser words have never been spoken] I see dead Dior. [I swear I did not make this up!] Hasta la vista, POTL. [I'll be back] And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my Guerlain. [Here is looking at you, LVMH] You want the Roucel? Just say the word, and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. [This thing is genius] I love the smell of Secretions Magnifiques in the morning. [Well, who doesn't?] I have a head for business and a Muscs Koublai Khan for sin. [It's like they know me.] Have a great Sunday and May the Lutens be with you. |
Happy Sunday! I did my own search. These are words to live by: "Leave the gun. Take the Caron."
Amen :-)
LOL! And I get:
"All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my Montale."
OK, since you mention it, I'll put some on. . .
HAHA!And they ain't got no samples either. Ever. :-)
LOL. Which one? :-)
Hmmm. . . Aoud Flowers--a sample a got from Lisa--like it very much (but then I seem to like these better than most).
thanks M, this site is cracking me up!!! a few gems:
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my putain des palaces. Prepare to die."
"Coco, for lack of a better word, is good."
"Do not go into the Angel. Stop where you are. Turn away from it. Don't even look at it."
"Sales Lady? We ain't got no sales lady! We don't need no sales lady! I don't have to show you any stinking sales lady!"
I don't even know this one! Gosh, Montale are productive! :-) I still only like 3 of their scents, Jasmin Full, Oud Cuir Arabie and Vetyver des Sables.
That is so funny about Angel! :-) So true too, for many people :-)
My own:
"Say hello to my little friend!" (Scarface featuring a SL Bell Jar)
"My mama always said life was like a box of Serge Lutens."
I'd love a box of Serge Lutens...*dreams*
You and me both, M. We could do a box split. :-)
Another good one, "This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old Chanel."
You've created a monster. I'll be on this thing all day.
I am glad you are enjoying it!
Giggling. Another one:
"They don't throw their garbage away. They make it into Dior."
HAHAHAHA. Scary. Very scary. :-)
Can you believe I actually got "I love the smell of Jicky in the morning"... ?
"First rule of Muscs Koublai Khan club is -- you do not talk about Muscs Koublai Khan Club."
Except here, of course!
There should BE Muscs Koublai Khan club! I'd sign up immediately :-)
I love doing this with the word "monkeys." And "pants" or "underpants." For example, "I love the smell of underpants in the morning." Hi, I am twelve years old!
There's that advertising slogan generator, too, and that can be fun. "Watch Out, There's a Columbina About." Hee!
...she is armed with Muscs Koublai Khan and dangerous.
LOL at "I see dead Dior". ;D
In view of my today's post on MKK, here's what it gave me:
"All work and no MKK makes Jack a dull boy."
And in view of my favorite perfume blogger:
"I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old Colombina for dinner."
Sorry, babe. You know I love ya. ;D
So much fun here today! Here are my faves:
"I feel the need - the need for Fracas!"
"Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his Mitsouko."
What has our society come to if a person aged 29 is considered old? Hrmph.
Aww, so sweet, about the angels...:-)
"The White zone is for Chanel and Guerlain only, There is no Caron in the Red zone.
No, the White zone has always been for Caron and Guerlain only, there is no Chanel in the Red zone.
Don't tell me which zone is for Chanel only, I know what this is about want me to add Lanvin!
Don't start up with your red zone white zone sh*t again, Betty..."
Airplane, anyone?? I hope so otherwise this post looks ridiculous.
Great Thread, M!!
Hahaha, so funny. I am glad I found this thing.
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