I find myself unable to write about perfume today. Today is serious, guys. Go vote. Go obsessively watch the news. Before you do though, tell us what you will be wearing on this historic day. My perfume is a
change from my usual tastes, a breath of fresh air,
Puredistance. And I could not resist wearing
Madame President by Sephora by OPI on my tips (in fact, I bought it just for this occasion, yes, I am a nerd). I want to note, however, that I am wearing it for its name, not for its color. My nails might be red but I am all about blue today.
To mark the occasion, let's have a prize draw. In a half-hearted effort to appear non-partisan, I am giving away a perfume that has neither blue nor red in its name- a 1/2oz bottle of Tom Ford'
White Patchouli. If you would like to be the draw, say so in your comment.
That's it for today. Go vote and have a good election day, everybody!
Image source, NY Times.
Hi! I've never commented before, but I was so amused by your post because I'd been thinking of the exact same thing (which to wear?!)
I'm wearing Un Jardin en Mediterranee and OPI Dating a Royal on my tips (gorgeous blue)! A dear friend is wearing BPAL Trick or Treat (and says, "we all know which is which!").
I'd love to be included in the draw - I've not been able to try any of the TF fragrances.
For the past few days I've been wearing Ajne Roshambo, a beautifully aromatic patchouli. I suspect that I will wear it again tomorrow. I'm not sure that it befits the historical significance of the day, but it meets my need for something calming and contemplative.
Would you believe that I too am psyched about watching the election reports tomorrow night? And that today more than ever before I'm praying to be the lucky winner of the prize draw? And that my verification word was obama?
Ok, I made that last one up ;-)
I think I might bring out the Borneo tomorrow
Shoot, I forgot about the perfume for tomorrow... hum, let's see, what would be most in synch with the historic day ahead... I know: Déclaration!
Seriously, it's a favorite that I haven't worn in ages. Yep, that's the one :)
Already voted, but will be wearing L'Heure Bleue tomorrow to silently indicate which direction I chose. And, depending on how things are looking, may also have to put on some Jalaine's Vetiver to ground me and keep me from going off the deep end.
oh I would like to be in the draw
I'm not sure what I'll be wearing... probably my beloved Bvlgari Black.
This will be my first time voting!
I haven't quite decided yet what to wear tomorrow, but I'm leaning towards Jo Malone Wild Fig and Cassis layered with JM White Jasmine and Mint. Just something cool, calming, and confident. Or maybe Memoire Liquide Bois de Figuier and AG Neroli if the weather is a bit cooler.
I may just go shopping for new nail polish too! Please include me in the draw. I've been dying to try White Patchouli.
I'm usually a lurker, not a commenter, but I'm excited about both the election and the TF bottle. My nails are neutral and my scent calming -- Tam Dao -- all to keep my blue nerves from fraying. Thanks for including me in the draw.
Include me please!
I'm a European, living in Europe, but watching the news today, still somewhat worried (remembering A.G. ...)
I'm sick at home with cold and no perfume comes through my completely blocked nose, but I'd wear Homage Attar from Amuage today.
T.F.'s White Patchouli is the first ever patchouli scent I liked - and therefore please include me in the draw.
Good morning! At the moment I'm wearing EL Sensuous and I'm pretty sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the election :) My nails are nakey at the moment, but I believe I'll paint them a nice blue before I go vote. Just got a couple from the China Glaze Bahama Blues collection so I imagine it will be one of them.
I'd also love to be entered in the drawing!
I'm European but of course I feel concerned (who doesn’t?) and I'm holding my breath for the American people. My hopes are definitely the same colour as yours. In any case I wish all the best for the future president – i.e. to be “illuminé”, as the French would say. Since this morning I needed a serious mood lift (here in Italy is raining madly), I’m wearing one of my favs: l'AP “thé pour un été” – it is summery and light but I always feel it suits me as glove, no matter the season. perfect to follow the elections keeping hopes high.
(White Patchouli - I love the bottle but not the fragrance: no draw for me!)
I already voted. But will wear Folly by Crabtree and Evelyn, I think it describes our political situation nicely. Bahaa humbug :( Anyway, would love to be entered in the draw. Thanks, Chantillylace
I'm European too but I'm transfixed, like everybody else it seems, by this election. Great news about the expected turnout at the polls!!!
Please count me in your draw Marina
Best wishes,
BTW I'm wearing Annick Goutal's Eau de Charlotte today, which has no political affiliations whatsoever, that I can think of ;)
The world is holding its breath, it seems. I'm across the pond as well, so no voting for me - but damn, do I wish I could, just this once. The "wrong" result would be so "wrong", it bears no thinking. Good luck to all of you!
As to Tom Ford, I'd love to be included. We're lagging behind over here, I don't think White Patchouli has even been introduced yet.
My toes are blue and so am I, through and through!! Today will be a historic day, I hope in more ways than one. And for my kids sake, if Obama doesn't win my family and I will be moving back to my native country of norway, with or without my husband it seems:-)I really was let down by this country last election, and so was the rest of the world. But I really have faith in this country this go around and I think we will do the right thing. And what an appropriate perfume to give away, the white coming togeteher with the black. I'm thinking of the ad, they're united! Please include me in the draw and VOTE BABY VOTE!!!!
Oh, I will be wearing PG'S Musc Maori for the comfort an come to think of it, it's built on a black and white theme too! We will come together for the greater good! United we stand, divided we fall!! I'm just so sad O's grandma died before this day:-(
Welcome! LOL at Trick or Treat :-)
calming is exactly what we need :-)
LOL! Nice to see you here! I am looking forward to watching tonight too.
Because it is calming?
Declaration sounds perfect
All will be well, all will be well, repeat after me -)
Great time to start voting! And great scent!
I see calming is the key word today :-)
You are in the draw.
Welcome, you are in!
You are in
I hope you get better soon!
I want that collection too!!
Haven't decided yet, but it will have to be something potent to calm my constantly fraying nerves. I am excited to be sure but still very nervous. My guess is that it will be Norell or Halston...true American classics!
Unfortunately my nails are too bitten down for polish...more nerves but if i was wearing it it would be that gorgeous Russian blue color from OPI. I may still go buy some Urban Decay Blue lipstick to show the world my true colors!
I have no ability to not be partisan this year so
OBAMA-BIDEN 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even Karl Rove says it's going to be a BLOWOUT !!!!!!
illuminé is exactly what is needed, perfect word.
Love the name of the scent. You are in.
You are in!
I should give Charlotte another try...
Ella F
It would be totally wrong.
You are in!
That's what I decided too: if the unthinkable happens, we are out of here :-)
And here I was being all non-partisan :-)
Stay calm, all will be well.
Hi Marina! Like you, I'm voting blue today, but am desperately hoping for a purple nation! As such, I will be wearing Zoya's Heather on the nails. And for perfume; Patou's L'Heure Attendue.
Please enter me in the drawing, too!
Great scent!!
Good morning,
Please enter me in the drawing.
Today I will wear something cheerful and uplifting- TDC's Sel de Vetiver... and maybe spray a wrist with Chanel Gardenia for an occasional waft of pretty and peaceful.
I hope this is the beginning of a new beginning. We need some positive, unifying change in this country.
Take care today-- dea
Absolutely, will be voting! Deciding on the scent...I, too, am just perfume dorky enough to want to pick the "right" one...
Please include me in the draw for the "neutral" White Patch. :)
Yesterday, I got laid off from my job. Bummer. However, I had to work with a girl that asked me NOT to wear perfume, cause it bothered her allergies. Today is kind of a new beginning in more ways than one, and I'm not sure yet just what I'll wear today cause I've got so many choices that I got out of the habit of making. However, I would still like to be in the draw, and I've enjoyed the nail polish detours.
Hello, I love perfume sites/blogs and use them to escape the news, politics, and other headaches. I wish there wasn't a political undercurrent occurring here. Nuances speak volumes too! White Patchouli is a good choice. Please include me in the draw as a nonpartisan :-)
As a non-American here, I am interested in your elections but my perfume and nails don't reflect. On my nails, Essie Chocolate Kisses; behind my ears, Piguet's Baghari.
Thank you so much!
I'm wearing Joy today to go vote in anticipation of glorious results!
Hi Marina! Cracked me up about your nail polish. With the growing nail polish mania out there, I'm thinking I may need to start painting my nails again. I'm embarrassed to say, it's been years. But I still have some OPI colors that are probably past their prime by now - Hawaiian Punch, Year of the Dragon, OPI Red (oooh, that was creative), Outback Aphrodisiac, and Chick Flick Cherry! All shades of red. Do nail polishes ever go bad? They've separated, but still seem to shake up OK. Anyway, no perfume yet, and I need to get out there and VOTE! Thanks for the post, and yes, please add me to the drawing for White Patchouli. Thanks!
As a Canadian entering elections as well, all my hopes are for a peaceful world and the Candidate that shares the same views hopefully wins on both sides of the border. I will likely wear a comforting scent like Montale Extacy when it's our turn to vote. Good luck fellow Americans!
Btw, would love to enter the draw...maybe this will be the first patch to work for me.
Rose Muskissime today, but not for the color. I live in a blue state, after all. Sign me up, I love patch.
Oooh, I still haven't picked a perfume, however on my nails is OPI Designer Series Glamour and on Toesies is China Glaze Emerald Sparkle. And those of you with old OPI colors, the people on the nail polish blogs would call you lucky. I would still like to be in the draw for White Patchouli. I think I might wear Corso Como today, even though I'm staying home today.
Great post--I am distracted beyond measure by the election.
I am wearing Eau d'Orange Vert as I needed something refreshing since I tossed and turned last night. It will be gone by lunch and I will try one of my new samples for a bit of distraction or L'heure Blue to cheer on my hopes.
The real question is what will I be wearing tomorrow: PG Coze (happiness), Apres l'Ondee (sadness), or CdG Tar (anger).
Please include me in the draw.
I'm wearing Jus d'amour from Parfums Mercedes today--perfectly calming scent, and one to review in the future! I haven't seen it anywhere yet...
I'm wearing BPAL's Midnight Mass...good for praying my candidate wins!
Way to go , babe:)
I'll put on Luctor et Emergo for good luck. Sorry, I know you're not on good terms with POTL:) But at least we agree on our candidate!
I do hope to crack open my bottle of champagne tonight. If that doesn't happen, I'm buying one-way tickets to Spain for the whole family ,and I don't even speak Spanish:) I'm off to the polls now, good day to all!
Hi, I'm wearing Ambre Russe today. I can smell Russia from my wrist! It should go with the champagne I hope to drink tonight. Please enter me in the draw.
Please include me in the draw. I went with Hypnotic Poison, but not because of the red bottle;)
I know what I'll wear! I got a bottle of Jicky parfum for my 25th anniversary and I've been hesitant to cut those cute little cords. Today is the day! I'll wear Jicky. As I requested above, please include me in the draw, cause I don't know about the juice but I like the bottle. If any of you haven't seen the OPI Designer Series colors, they are something!
No nail polish, but I did wear red, white, and blue to the polls, and Timbuktu. It's my current fave, and I also felt that its incense-papyrus notes properly represent my Catholic-librarian-blueblueblue voting stance.
Please enter me for the draw; I'd love to try WP.
Hello! I am wearing Chene under a dab of 5 o'clock on this historic of days.
My 41 year old husband is voting today for the first time in his life- how's about that?
p.s. Would love to be entered into the draw-ring...
ooh..I wish i could vote!..lol..*crossing fingers, toes*..
I'd love to be entered in the draw!
I'll probably wear Tam Dao as it is my 'calming' scent and I'll need something to calm me today..
I wish I could stay home from work today..I am not going to get anything done..lol
*wishes and hopes*
I went with Timbuktu, an old standby. And I voted absentee last week. Love to be in the draw.
Fingers crossed, saying a prayer... (for the election, not the draw!)
Dude, I'm listening to BO's announcement of his candidacy in Spring 07 and I have tears in my eyes. Today, and hopefully tomorrow, I wish I were American.
European faggot liberal
with hopes of good results, i am following the election news from across the ocean :) hope all goes well. i'd wear, hm, what about eau de gloire - parfums d'empire? so very napoleonic ;)
I love the atmosphere of this election... people really seem involved, and HOPEFUL! Or it could be that at 21, this is my first chance to vote and I'm more fully aware.
I'm wearing Ambre by Calypso Christian Celle, which is rich and soothing, but has a sparkle of excitement as well. Please include me in this very generous draw!
I voted already this morning! I would love to be in the drawing! Happy voting day to everyone!
Feminite du Bois today -- probably Coco in extrait tonight. I want something deep and resonant, the better to remember whatever happens next.
A hearty congratulations to all the first time voters. That is the part of this campaign that has truly thrilled me, watching some of my most cynical and withdrawn friends get slowly, slowly pulled in. I had a conversation with one of them the other day. She said that she was feeling very adolescent--distracted, fluttery, a little anxious and excited, but she wasn't sure about what. I said: Isn't that what hope feels like? And she said: My god--I wouldn't know! But maybe that's it...
And I, too, am pulling for the purple, even if my heart is blue.
Today I decided to wear something classic and confident with a little twist -- Donna Karan Signature (1992). I wanted something assertive yet contemplative.
Please enter me into the drawing--thanks!
I voted. I`m so beautiful and calm today. I have my adored 31, Rue Cambon. (31=3+1=4 Will it help? ;)) Yes, I am happy because I am hopeful.
Best wishes,
I voted! My aunt called me to tell me the gov. was voting in high heels and jeans at 7 this morning. That made me want to escape reality a little longer. But I made it up and to the polls and now I am just hoping and willing there to be a fair election for a blue landslide. And vote no on Prop 8 and all the other hate propositions in FL and elsewhere. Please let there be a better day ahead for this country.
I too have my favourite in this election of yours, and I hope I can enter into the draw :)
Chanel no 5, to suit cool rainy weather here. I can't see any political significance to it; "classic" does not mean "conservative" to me.
Why yes, I hope to win a sample of White Patchouli.
-- Gretchen
Please enter me in the fold who desire the "White"! Thankyou.
What a great country we live in to have the privilege and responsibility to vote. Yeah! You have got to be in it to win it.
Oh, no thought given to putting on Sensuous by EL today but that is it.
Hi, I'd like to be included in the draw!
I'm wearing Bal a Versailles today and my nails are freshly painted with Zoya Paris, with hopes that I find myself at a good party tonight. But I am exhausted from canvassing for "that one" :) Honestly I'd just like to take a nap and wake up when he's president.
Today I'm wearing Hermés Ambre Narguile.
I'd love to be entered in the drawing!
I voted so early to avoid the crowds that it feels like tomorrow. Stumbled onto your blog while I was looking for a book on perfume that I had hinted on wanting as a present for last Mother's Day (better improve my hinting skills). Anyway, I started to think about a perfume from the USSR that I got in a teeny tiny shop in New York in about 1979-1980. I still have the bottle and the scent still lingers... it is so wonderful...i wish I could find it. I can't read the Russian on the box but it has a picture of a red poppy. Do you have any information about this perfume.
What a great pic to illustrate the post. I am wearing something strong and joyful, yet always comforting (just in case) - Cuir de Russie. And I'd love to be in the drawing!
Florence (avid reader, first time poster)
Would love to be entered into the draw! Today will be a no-perfume day as I'm watching the returns with a friend who is very sensitive to scent. It is a mark of my affection for her that we continue to be so close despite my perfume obsession.
I voted last week. Hoping and praying that I will be wearing Joy tomorrow and not Passage d'Enfer.
Like mamathinksforherself, I hope one day to live in a purple nation!
I am wearing Un Jardin sur le Nil because it is calming to me and today has been nerve-wracking.
Please include me in your drawing.
I hope so too!
you are in for the neutral -)
I am so sorry to hear that!
But here is to new beginnings!
staying nonpartisan today was a struggle :-)
yay for Joy!
If you ever want to get rid of that Year of the Dragon, I am your buyer :-) You have some disc-d treasures there
thank you, you are in!
You are in!
Love DS Glamour
You are in
I hope it is a Coze day tomorrow
I've never heard of that one!
true, true
Yep, I'd be moving too, asap
Karen M
LOL! Now you are an international policy expert.
You are in! :-)
I agree on OPI DS. You are in
I've never thought of Timbuktu that way, but it does fit! :-)
Better late than never, right? :-)
I hope our wishes and hopes will come true
you are in and good luck with both! :-)
aw, don't make me cry too :-)
I love the idea of a Napoleonic scent today
I felt the atmosphere this morning too
You are in
Pantera Lilly
you are in!
I love that feeling! :-)
great choice! you are in
Here is to hope!
high heels, jeans and a dressy top=- great. High heels, jeans, a swetshirt- not so much :-)
Of course you can!
Classic and conservative are not necessarily synonymous, I agree!
You are in the fold! :-)
Bal a Versailles? I like that one :-D
You are in!
welcome! can you make a picture and email it to me? it sounds familiar
Welcome! Great perfume choice!
it is a sign of great affection indeed!
I just help but smile when I see your nickname :-)
You are in!
Things are looking very good. I'm SO HAPPY. I loved your post today :^D wonderfully witty and honest.
No need to enter me - I have a bottle of TF White Patch.
So happyy...Yayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!..*feels like hugging everybody*
Hi . I voted today-- wearing White linen- parfum extrait.
I am watching the acceptance speech .. inspired ++++
Please enter me in thge drawing--
Thank you-
Thank you and congrats! :-)
You are in
I wore Le Classique. It's my happy perfume. Please enter me in the draw. Thanks.
On my nails-chipped shimmery pink nail polish. Elegant, I know. I voted early, but last night wore Un Jardin sur le Nil to an election party. Watching the election results come in in DC was an amazing and surreal experience. Please enter me in the draw!
I wore vintage Mitsouko parfum which seemed to fit the momentousness of the occasion. On a beautiful beautiful fall day. Please enter me in the draw if it's not too late.
Oh fooey, I bet it's too late to enter the drawing, right? I looooove patchouli!!!
If it's not too late, please put me in the White Patchouli draw!
Marina- you have to be the most sophisticated "nerd" on the planet! I adore your blog and Blogdorf Goodman. Thanks for both.
I have been a tiny bit stressed and have been wearing Kim Novak-esque pastels, cashmere and Cristalle from Chanel for comfort.
Thank the universe for our new president-elect. Now I can obsess over something else. Ta for now-Hothouse Flower
Oh please include me in the draw for White Patchouli if it's not over!
I voted for intelligence and wisdom ( yes I even wore all blue) - in deference to my love of all people who think hard and think deep and spend too much time in the library surrounded by books as they try to learn everything (I DO love a smart man) - I wore CB I Hate Perfume In the Library layered with Hermes Vetiver Tonka (for the Harris tweed jacket or Shetland sweater). Mmmmmmm
And since it worked out so well and I wanted to continue the great moment as long as possible I wore it again today!!!
Just a brazilian living in Europe, late for your post, but oh so happy about how Americans voted that I've been wearing Amouage's Gold, because it's so grandiose ball and champagne like!aliki
Maybe I'm too late for the drawing (but please enter me if I'm not!), but I did vote, and I am excited about our new America!!
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