7th Annual Basenotes Awards. The results are in.
![]() Basenoters have voted and decided that Perfume-Smellin' Things was worthy of a Bronze medal in the category Best Fragrance Blog. Not only was it an honor to be nominated, I am beyond flattered to be standing in the final lineup next to such super talented Titans of Perfume Blogging as Robin of Now Smell This (Gold) and Victoria of Bois de Jasmin (Silver). Woohoo and Thank You! (Incidentally, my beloved Black Orchid took bronze too, in the Best New Fragrance category. Coincidence?..) Who else won...Chanel No 5 took best Women's Fragrance, Egoiste very deservedly took Men's. Best Niche scents were Carnal Flower (women) and Bois du Portugal (men). Guerlain beat Lutens to the title of Best Fragrance House. You can read the list in full on Basenotes. Image source, Getty Images. |
YAY!!!!! Hands huge bouquets of black orchids tied up w/ bronze ribbons to M and Tom. Congrats!!!!
Yay!!!!! Congrats to you, V. and R!!!!! All well deserved!
Ooh, a bouquet Ford would surely approve of :-)
Thank you so much!!
For a moment after reading L's comments, I thought OUR Tom had won something, and searched frantically for his award. Well, I will give him one, then, for good comments, and guest-blogging above and beyond the call! Need more coffee.
If there was Best Contributer award...I wouldn't have voted, because hwo do I choose between Tom and Mr Colombina? The there are Kelley's wonderful reviews...I am so lucky.
Wonderful recognition for you, Victoria and Robin, three rocking, great smelling bloggers!
Yippee!! So well deserved. Bravo!
Well, Mr. Colombina is, of course, in a category of his own!:) And Kelley is wonderful too, but he doesn't contribute QUITE as frequently. Then, of course, there's also the fabulous Lee and Bryan on PP, and the always-interesting (and savage) Mr. Aromoscope. I guess we are just blessed and our (codpiece) cup runneth over. . . .
Thank you so much, Anya!
See, that's why I would have refused to cast my vote in that category, how do I choose between all of them? :-)
As for savage, I was tempted that night to go there and type the word 100 times to spite the politically correct, patronizing commenter. But I thought Ina would frown upon such behavior :-)
Wow! What nice news! To even be nominated in that company is wonderful but to place so high! Congrats to you, and thanks for letting me be a part of it!
You are the best thing that could have happened to PST. Thank you.
(sorry for calling you a thing :-))
So proud of you all-
I don't know how they could choose.
Love you !
Kudos !
Mwah! Thank you!
Spasibo i Pozdravlyaju!!!
Well, yours would have to be jasmine, right? What about Robin? :-)
Dear Columbina,
Congratulations ! What a sweet honor ! Enjoy your recognition ! Or, as they say en francais "Felicitations!"
congratulations, M!!!! soooo exciting and I'm very glad that the awards have gone to the ones that truly deserve it (believe it or not, the very 3 perfume blogs that I enjoy the most AND read every day are the first 3 winners).
coincidence? I think not. the bronze thing is a sure sign that you now *have to* treat yourself to a FB of Black Orchid ;) - you deserve it.
You know, us blokes are becoming a savage force to be reckoned with in the perfume world...
Pip! Pip!
Jolly good show!
Thank you very much, Dear Madelyn!
Thank you! :-) I have some Black Orchid already, but I am sorely tempted to treat myself to 31 Rue Cambon. Yet, I keep reminding myself that, bronze or no bronze, I am on a strict no buy. *sigh*
You blokes are savages, you truly are. (I think I need to repeat the word at least 100 more times to get it out of my system :-D)
Huge congrats M!! You take the Black Orchids, V will take the jasmine, and I'll have a weird little hat made out of vetiver root, LOL...
Thank you, R and humongous congratulations to YOU! LOL at vetiver roots! Very, very fitting. :-)
Congrats, Marina, and to your contributors as well. Including the oft silly Mr. Columbina ;) It's a very well deserved honor!
Thank you so much, Katie!
Congratulations, M! Big kiss and hugs! sending you a virtual bottle of les exclusifs.... oh what the hell... you already have the real thing!
I don't have the real full size bottle thing, so I'll take the virtual one, thank you very much! :-)
Congratulations! Richly deserved. . . you write a wonderfully informative and delightful blog.
Dear Quinn,
Thank you so much for your kind words!
Congratulations colombina! What a well deserved honor!! :-)
Thank you, Tamara!!
Woohoo! You go girl! ;D
Bol'shoe Merci! :-D
Congratulations!!! :)
Thank you, Patty!
Thank you, Emily!
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